Canonical tag for mobile subdomain at WordPress

Some of my clients have  mobile version of website. With one of them  I found terrible issue – they got lot’s of duplicated content because of incorrect canonical tags. So for  instance and, it obvious that that the content will be the same but the design for will be optimized for mobile platforms. It’s nothing wrong in term of IT, but it’s suicide for SEO approach. Continue reading

BP-Activity BuddyPress

Here is small advice for those who uses buddy press plugin for WordPress. This is awesome plugin, but if your server is heavy loaded you can notice that your MySQL performance can heavily drop if you are using buddypress for a long time. I was wondering why it’s happening. I tried all possible solutions from increasing the power of MySQL server, like multi-threaded expensive Xeon CPUs, SSD disk, RAM disk later on, but the problem of various testers and performance checkers points me to DB problems issue. So I came to the point that I need some how to remove the data from bp_activity table. Continue reading

What after PRISM

First time I heard it from the Sky news, about some guy who traveled from Hon-Kong to Russia, and who revealed some secrets of American national security. So I did not pay much attention to this shit as UK and all western countries reporters like to attract attention with something special. After 3 days of continuous punching my brain with this occasion I sent some time to read more carefully about it. Continue reading

Touch screen degradation – or how the new world order is coming

Touch screen technology. Wow! Well, it was a Wow several years ago, now it is and ordinary daily event in our life. The technology arrived, proved it’s usability and reliability, fit with the market price and everybody seems to be happy. I cannot say I’m not happy, I got such a feeling that I know why it was pushed so hard by some forces who own this world. The answer is simple – degradation and brainwashing. Let me explain. Continue reading